DIY manicure of the week: squeaky clean

Thanks to a shimmery midnight blue polish I had on, my nails were stained. Even the base coat I applied wasn’t enough to stop the coloring from leaking through. There might as well have been oompa loopmas dancing around a bloated blueberry me, that’s how bad it was.

Now, with all the richer more bold fall colors coming in with the change of the seasons, I predict this to be a constant annoyance of my nails. So, here’s my solution. DIY nail whitening. Um…can you call it whitening if your nails aren’t white? Hhmmm…nail de-staining? Either way, here’s a quick, easy, cheap and effective solution!

Use a tablespoon or two of hydrogen peroxide mixed with the juice of a lemon. Brush that on with a toothbrush and you have instant results!

Total difference! I was thinking of using a paste of lemon juice and baking soda, but there was no baking soda in the house. I’m sure that mixture would be just as promising as well.

Proud of how clean and manicured they looked, I just put on a top coat and let them shine! I’ll give them a break before I lay into the hard stuff again 😉


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