My secret to a perfect DIY french manicure!!

When people ask me how I can do a french manicure so perfectly by myself, I tell them “I’m asian, it’s in my genes!”


But seriously, I’ve been doing them for myself for over 12+ years now.  I can do it in no time flat, just as easily as painting my nails one solid color.  It wasn’t this easy for me when I first started. But, after countless fits over them not being right, I was clever enough to come up with a trick that leaves them flawless every time!

Wanna know my secret?


Yup, bandaids.

Follow along on my step by step tutorial to see what I’m talking about.

To start, gather all your supplies

  • white nail polish of your choice
  • top coat of your choice (clear, baby pink, shimmer clear, etc…)
  • bandaids
  • nail polish remover
  • Q-tips/cotton balls

Make sure your nails are clean.  I always give them a quick swipe with a nail polish remover soaked cotton ball.

Take the bandaids and rip the sides off (make sure you’re using the rounded edged bandaids, not the straight edged ones).

Align and stick the rounded edge on your nail leaving as much of your nail showing as you want to paint. Make sure you the bandaid is tightly stuck on your nail, and the corners have been pushed in to fit around you nail.

Paint the tip.

Wait for the polish to completely dry before peeling off. Repeat this procedure with all of your nails.  When they’re all dry, seal it with your top coat. And you’re done!

What do you think? Pretty perfect!

And you don’t just have to use bandaids.  Anything rounded and sticky will work.  For example, my son has a sheet of smiley face stickers that’ll work like a charm!

Once you do it so many times and get the hang of it, you won’t need the bandaids anymore and you’ll be a french manicure pro!

Genius? Love it? Can’t wait to try it out? Please be sure to let me know! I love knowing my trick’s come in handy for someonone else!

Check out some of my other nail art here, here, and here.


champagne is delicious, gorgeous shoes are a must, family fun is important, but the piggy bank still has to be fed

19 thoughts on “My secret to a perfect DIY french manicure!!

  1. This is a really cool idea! I’ve always gone for using scotch tape, but the pre rounded edge would give a better tip! Have never heard of using band aids before, thanks!

    • I love sharing my tips! Thanks for the comment letting me know you like it 🙂 please don’t forget to subscribe, I just followed you an entered your contest!

  2. Pingback: DIY manicure of the week: double frenched tips | Champagne taste on a beer budget

  3. I have tried the bandaid before and I used the fabric ones nd it left a residue on my nails so i didn’t try it again. I will he using the plastic one nd try again 🙂

  4. I went to the Dollar store and got a box of Bandaids. The only change I recommend is to use a Onyx (you can find at Wal Mart) about $3, and is 100% Pure Acetone. I quit buying the name and store brands. Oh and to clean my nails, I use a Toner to rid of any oil on the nails. Thanks for the tip, will be updating my manicure this week!

  5. Pingback: No DIY manicure this week :( | Champagne taste on a beer budget

  6. Pingback: DIY manicure of the week: black & gold | Champagne taste on a beer budget

  7. Pingback: DIY manicure of the week: double frenched tips – Champagne Taste Beer Budget

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